Get Rid Of Your Allergies

Price:  $30.00
Order Allergone Drops!

    • We present here Allergone, a composition of the most valuable and world wide known medical plants, used traditionally for the prevention and treatment of different types of allergies. This combination will stop and ease allergy and its conditions. This powerful combination will modify the immune system and bring its activity to a normal level. Each and every single plant used in this formula and their proportion has been studied and calculated very accurately, which cause no short or long term side effect.

    • Those people who suffer from any type of allergy, including:

      - asthma (related to contact with substances such as dust or animal hair)

      - seasonal allergies (watery eyes and nose)

      - contact dermatitis (skin allergies)

      - food allergies

      - hay fever

      - migraine

      - hives


    • Allergone (Tea - Powder)
      Each container contains (2oz/60gr):
      Angelica, borage, celandine, dandelion, evening primrose, fennel seed, horsetail, nettle, peppermint leaves, red clover, & red petals.
      Allergone D (Drop - Liquid)
      Allergone D (liquid) is the same as the Allergone (Tea - powder), but in the form of liquid.


    • Allergone (Tea - Powder)
      Pour 1 teaspoon of allergone in one glass of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes and strain before drinking. Take 3 cups per day.
      Allergone D (Drop - Liquid)
      1) Adults: take 20-25 drops (mix with little water) 2-3 times per day.
      2) Children: take 5 drops for 2-3 times per day.
    • Story of Allergone

    • Dr. Parviz Ghadirian, is the Director of the Epidemiology Research Unit at a prominent reseach center in Canada with a Masters in Nutrition and a Ph.D. in Cancer Epidemiology. He has written countless research papers on nutrition, cancer, AIDS and other topics as well as several books. He also hosts two TV shows in Canada, one in Vancouver and the other in Montreal that focus on health issues and solutions. He is the Editor and Executive Chief Officer of the Iranian medical journal.
      Dr, Ghadirian is a consultant of the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations since 1969.
      Dr. Ghadirian developed a serious allergy problem, which wasn't resolved through medication. It only became worse over time. His own health problems encouraged him to investigate his native culture for herbs to solve serious health issue.
      His allergies were so serious he began having anaphylactic shock episodes and had to be hospitalized several times, as well as always having an epinephrine shot nearby. His own medical doctor told him that he could very well die because of his escalating allergic reactions.
      DR. Ghadirian developed the allergone after almost 20 years study and reaserch. Within a few days of taking allergone, Dr Ghadirian never had another allergy attack. After his life saving experience, he had other people in the United States and Canada use the allergone.
      Allergone is appropriate for mild, moderate and serious allergy problems, which includes both respiratory and skin reactions.
      Asthma responds well to this formula. The mechanism seems to involve lowering the histamine response to allergens, but not as an antihistamine drug, which causes several side effects and negative reactions in people. Allergone naturally changes how the immune system responds to different allergic substances in a totally natural way, known and experienced for a long time.


    The root, stalks, leaves and fruit possess carminative, stimulant, diaphoretic, stomachic, tonic and expectorant properties, which are strongest in the fruit, though the whole plant has the same virtues.
    Angelica is a good remedy for colds, coughs, pleurisy, wind, colic, rheumatism and diseases of the urinary organs, though it should not be given to patients who have a tendency towards diabetes, as it causes an increase of sugar in the urine.
    It is generally used as a stimulating expectorant, combined with other expectorants, the action of which is facilitated, and to a large extent diffused, through the entire pulmonary region. It is a useful agent for feverish conditions, acting as a diaphoretic.
    An infusion may be made by pouring a pint of boiling water on an ounce of the crushed root. Two tablespoons of this infusion should be taken 3 or 4 times a day, or the granulated root administered in doses of 10 to 30 grains. The infusion, which relieve flatulence, is also a stimulating bronchial tonic and emmenagogue. It is widely used on the Continent for indigestion, general debility and chronic bronchitis. For external use, the fresh leaves of the plant are crushed and applied as poultices in lung and chest diseases.
    Angelica stems are baneficialto people with a feeble stomach, and will relieve flatulence promptly when chewed. An infusion of Angelica leaves is a very healthful, strengthening tonic and aromatic stimulant, the beneficial effect of which is felt after a few days' use.
    The yellow juice yielded by the stem and root becomes, when dry, a valuable medicine in chronic rheumatism and gout.


    Borage belongs to the forget-me-not (Boraginacea) family that grows mostly in rocky places in western, central, and eastern Europe, and the Mediterranean. Borago officinalis came originally from Italy but is now naturalized in most parts of Europe. It has long been grown as a medicinal herb and because it is an excellent source of nectar for bees.
    Borage is used for heart and lung congestion, fevers and to promote mother's milk. Its demulcent properties make it effective against ulcers both internal and external. The seeds, like evening primrose, are a rich source of gamma linolenic oil. Though used by traditional people around the world for thousands of years, borage is not the type of nutritive tonic herb that one would want to take regularly over a period of months. Rather, it is more of an occasional acute remedy for fevers. Borage contains a considerable amount of calcium and potassium.
    Borage acts on the adrenal glands and does increase courage. Young fresh borage leaves have a high concentration of vitamin C, and leaves chopped up in salad strengthen the nervous system. The smell and taste like fesh cucumbers and can be used as "herbal ice" to cool summer drinks.


    Biochemical constituents: Various alkaloids including allocryptopine, berberine, chelamine, chelidonine, coptisine, sanguinarine, sparteine and others. The root contains choline, histamine, tyramine saponins, chelidoniol, chelidonic acid, carotene and vitamin C.
    Celandine is primarily used as a liver detoxifying herb for the treatment of hepatitis, jaundice, cancer, psoriasis, eczema, asthma, and skin problems. In addition to its blood-purifying properties, celandine also relieves muscle spasms and bronchospasms. It mildly lowers arterial blood pressure, produces diuresis, and delays the development of anaphylactic shock.


    The Dandelion is a member of the Compositae family, which is the largest botanical family of plants. They grow everywhere that plant life can be supported.
    This bitter herb cleanses the bloodstream and liver, increasing the production of bile. It improves the function of the pancreas, spleen, stomach and kidneys. Dandelion has been used to treat eczema, scurvy, diabetes, and inflammation of the bowels and fever. It can also heal rheumatism, gout, jaundice, cirrhosis cramps, constipation, breast tumors and fluid retention. New research has shown that it may prevent breast cancer, lower cholesterol and uric acid.
    Dandelion frees the bladder, releases toxins from the blood, and helps to disperse premenstrual tension. This edible medicine helps "the brain of the body", the liver, in its work, prevents the hardening of stones in the gall bladder, and dissolves warts. Dandelion tea can sometimes relieve stomach cramps. It is useful for releasing many kinds of congestion.


    Evening Primrose isn't a primrose at all. It belongs to the willowherb family, which grows throughout the world, mostly in temperate regions. There are 100 species of the Evening Primrose, which is native to North and South America.
    The oil is primarily used as a "Yin tonic" to treat inflammatory conditions that arise from fundamental exhaustion of an organic process. It is especially helpful in treating premenstrual syndrome and relieving hypertension, anxiety and associated inflammatory symptoms. Thus, it has been used for infantile eczema, asthma, acne, painful breasts, hypertension, arthritis, and neurotic disorders.


    The volatile oils are responsible for most of the medicinal properties in fennel. Its carminative action is primarily explained by stimulation of the gastrointestinal mucous membrane. This in turn stimulates the pancreas to increase its secretions and results in better and quicker digestion of food and Iess flatulence. The stimulated mucous membrane also results in the production of mucous which isolates the intestinal flora from oIigosaccharides and other feed stock used by bacteria to produce gas.
    The expectorant, diuretic and general tonic (stimulant) properties are also described as irritatnt that stimulate specific purging of organs. Its spasmolytic effect on smooth muscles is probably due to its flavonoid content, and has been shown to be efficacious in studies with experimental animals. Many essential oils in fenneI are antimicrobial. Alpha-pinene, for example, found in fennel, is a major constituent of turpentine.


    Common names are Peterwort, Dutch rushes, Shave-grass and Bottle-brush. Horsetail grows in fields, on hedge banks and railway embankments. The ones growing on pure clay soil have the greatest healing qualities. Depending on the place it grows it has 3 to 16% of silicic acid which makes it so valuable.
    The Swiss Abbé Kuenzle says that all people from a certain age on should drink a cup of Horsetail tea every day all year round and all pain caused by rheumatism, gout and nerves would disappear and every person would have a healthy old age.
    Horsetail increases calcium absorption, strengthens the heart and lungs and acts as a diuretic, useful for the treatment of arthritis, bone diseases such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, edema, gallbladder disorders, inflammation, muscle cramps, allergy and itching rashes, prostate disorders, kidney and bladder trouble, bleeding, kidney stones, cancer, prostatitis, nose bleeding, menstrual and menopausal problems. Horsetail is the best natural source of silicon, iron, and sodium. It also contains a high quantity of calcium, chromium, crude fibre, fat, magnesium, potassium, selenium, and vitamin A.
    For itching rashes, even if they are festering or scabby, washings and compresses of a decoction of Horsetail are helpful.


    Scientists have only studied the sting of nettle leaf but little else. The sting is due to the action of histamine, acetylcholine and serotonin present in the leaf bristles. When taken orally, its action may be much like capsicum. The compounds in nettle irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive system, the membranes then counter the irritation by producing protective mucous. This, in turn, produces sympathetic responses in other mucous membranes of the body. These sympathetic responses are centered in the reproductive, respiratory and urinary systems of the body, resulting in the long list of folkloric uses attributed to nettle.


    Peppermint oil has been shown to be antimicrobial and antiviral against Newcastle disease, herpes simplex, vaccinia, Semliki Forest and West Nile viruses.
    It also exhibits spasmolytic activity on smooth muscles and stimulates the production of digestive fluids which accounts for its carminative action.
    The flavonoids in peppermint also add to the spasmolytic effects, vasodilating effects and antimicrobial properties of the herb.
    One note of warning about peppermint is that the concentrated oils are very potent and may cause contact dermatitis, flushing and headache if rubbed on large portions of the skin or inhaled profusely. The whole leaf contains large quantities of astringent tannins that can damage the liver and intestine with prolonged use.


    Red clover is a member of the pea family. Its active constituents are isoflavones, flavonoids, coumarin, resins, minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium) and vitamins (niacin, thiamine). Laboratory research has shown that Red clover is a cholagogue, diuretic, antispasmodic, expectorant, and bactericidal, supportive of the immune system, and mildly estrogenic. Red clover has a longstanding reputation for treating skin conditions (inflammations, rashes, psoriasis, eczema) and is invaluable in respiratory problems and bladder infections.
    The Chinese prized Red clover for its ability to soothe rheumatic pains and fight cancer. Red clover combined with chaparral has a traditional use in the United States for staving off cancer.
    It is also thought to be an excellent blood purifier.


    Sousan Z. (45-year-old woman)
    "Even with oral medications, injections and an asthma pump, after ten years of having severe allergies to dust I found no relief for asthma, puffy, runny and watery eyes.  I tried changing my diet and using homeopathic remedies, with no benefit.  I then began taking Dr. Ghadirian's herbal formula (allergone) and after four weeks most of my symptoms are gone."

    Medical Student in his mid-twenties
    "With a long history of severe allergies, I have had no relief.  After four weeks of taking Dr. Ghadirian's herbal formula (allergone), my runny nose and other symptoms stopped.  I hope when I am in practice I can make this herbal remedy available to my patients."

    Since my 16 years, I used to be allergic to 14 kind of herbs and specially the cats! I saw many specialists! Finally, a series of treatments of desensitizing by injections were strongly advised to me! I was happy but this feelings was short and stayed in this way only few seasons! The hell started again! Sleepless nights of cough and smotherings and asthma started: it had become chronic! By chance, I tested the anti-allergic treatment of Dr. Ghadirian. I can breath right now; I am so happy. I will never thank enough this scientist

    Lucille Goulet - 7 Juillet 2003
    Bonjour, Je suis une femme âgée de 62 ans, depuis 1991 j’ai développé de très fortes allergies qui m’ont terrassée durant des années. Je suis passée par toutes les étapes, j’étais alitée et gardais le lit à la journée longue, à partir de cette époque du mois de septembre à la fin avril. Mon système immunitaire était complètement à plat car ces allergies se sont échelonnées sur toute l’année; cela entraînait de fortes sinusites, crise d’asthme, mauvaise toux, maux de gorge; le mal était tellement intense que je vomissais de douleur.

    J’avais cette peur de mourir étouffé, je dormais assise. Mon médecin de famille a décidé de m’envoyer passer des tests d’allergies échelonnés sur plusieurs années mais ceux-ci ne donnaient aucun résultat valable. Suite à ceci j’ai passé un scan et mes sinus étaient tellement obstrués que le chirurgien qui m’avait été recommandé a dû m’opérer (drainage), une semaine après la chirurgie j’étais plus malade qu’avant. Il m’a alors référé à la clinique de la migraine où j’ai reçu un traitement choc qui implique deux injections au front et à l’arrière de la nuque. Les résultats après quelques semaines se sont avérés négatifs, j’étais dans un état lamentable.

    Par la suite j’ai été référée à l’Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal où le spécialiste en allergie a diagnostiqué que je faisais de très graves intolérances aux variations de température et qui apportaient de très fortes allergies. J’ai repris tous les médicaments qui sont requis pour les allergies, plus des antibiotiques et pompes. J’ai continué à être très incommodée et malade.

    J’ai eu la chance par l’entremise d’un ami de rencontrer le Dr Ghadirian qui m’a recommandé son produit « Allergone D » qui m’a littéralement sauvé la vie. Je le prends deux à trois fois par jour depuis un an et demi, je me sens très bien, j’ai retrouvé mon énergie et je respire normalement. Mon seul regret est de ne pas avoir connu ce produit au début de mes allergies en 1991.
    Merci Dr Ghadirian.

    Bien à vous,
    Lucille Goulet

    Carole Michaels - April 25, 2002
    Dear Dr . Ghadirian,
    Just the fact that I’m sitting here at the computer is proof of just how much of a change their has been in my life. Several years ago I was diagnosed with Polymylasia Rheumatica after being hospitalized with severe joint and muscular pain and edema, I was sent home with numerous prescriptions. A morphine patch was necessary for a brief time along an army of steroids, inhalers, anti-inflammatory, and muscle relaxants. Now after finding your Allergone there has been no need for such medications for well over a year now… And along with many of the medications, went more prescriptions to treat these side effects. Without exaggeration, my medications have been cut 70%. After my visit the rheumatologist last months, I was told my lab work was very good, except for an IgE which remains over 7000. « Whatever you have been doing, please continue. The remedy has gone like this; keep allergies under control, immune system behaves, joints and muscles inflammation stay away and my life is good. All this is attributed to one to three cups of Allergone tea. It is much easier to adjust my tea as apposed to numerous prescriptions. Still, when the cats get goofy and I decide not to dust; I immediately increase your Allergone and symptoms stop. I could do on forever, but this thank you is long over due. Many thanks again.

    Carole Michaels

    Order Allergone

    The information contained in this web site is strictly intended for educational purposes. It is not intended for use as a diagnostic tool, prescription or as a medical advice. Consult your physician for professional advice.
    © 2001 NATURAL REMEDIES COMPANY. All rights reserved.